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Shrove Tuesday/Lenten Activities

February 24, 2022
Tuesday, March 1st is Shrove Tuesday, also referred as Pancake Tuesday, which marks the final day before the beginning of Ash Wednesday and Lent. As is tradition on Shrove Tuesday, we will be providing each student with a pancake and syrup in their classroom. Please let the school know if there are any new allergy concerns that we should be aware of. Each student is invited to bring in a toonie on Shrove Tuesday. Fr. Bill, our long-time Parish Priest at St. Patrick (Railton) has retired and the Parish is collecting a cash donation to support his retirement. All money that is collected will be donated to the Parish in support of Fr. Bill’s retirement. Please note that all students will receive a pancake regardless of whether or not they bring in a toonie (You are welcome to donate more, if you like!). Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday (March 2nd) and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter (April 17th). Ms. Forster’s Kindergarten class will lead the school in a virtual prayer service on Ash Wednesday. Fr. Amato, our new Parish Priest at St. Pats, has provided the school with a prayer service and ashes that can be used for distribution on Ash Wednesday in classrooms as well. Each Monday, either Ms. Hurley’s Gr. 7 class or Ms. Williams/Mr. Nadeau’s Gr. 8 class will lead us in a virtual prayer service to start each week in Lent until Easter. We will also set up a Lenten display in our front foyer and consider the Stations of the Cross once we get closer to Easter.