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News Item

Beacon of Hope Award Recipient - Jack Gibson

February 24, 2022

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On behalf of the St. Patrick School Community, we would like to congratulate Jack Gibson for being selected our “Beacon of Hope" Award recipient for the 2021-2022 school year.  This award is presented to a student who is known to be an unsung hero and has made a significant contribution to the life of the school through his lived experiences.  The recipient comes to school each day to give his best to add to the positive climate of our school while giving witness to the virtues.


Jack Gibson, a grade 8 student, has been enrolled at St. Patrick Catholic School since Junior Kindergarten.  Jack exemplifies a strong Catholic student in so many ways.  He always comes to school with an enthusiastic and positive outlook – his smile and laughter can light up a room!   His fortitude and resiliency are witnessed in his work ethic as he constantly strives to do better.  He often assists other students, readily sharing his time and talents.  His integrity and gentle spirit shine through in his inclusive nature – he is sensitive to the needs of others, recognizing the need for all to feel a sense of belonging. He actively reaches out to other students on the playground and in the classroom demonstrating charity and justice.  Jack is a quiet leader in the classroom and in the school.   He is always respectful and honest in his dealings with others. He truly reflects the Board's pastoral theme “Beloved Children of God" as he sees others through the lens of God's unconditional love.  He readily volunteers in the classroom and in the school: he can always be counted on! He shares his faith with others by reading the school prayers over the announcements and volunteering to read for our school prayer services.  His positivity and energy often uplifts others around him. You can't help but be happy in his presence! His smile, demeanour and enthusiasm make him a shining Beacon of Hope in our community.


Congratulations Jack!