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Treaties Recognition Week

November 03, 2023

TREATIES RECOGNITION WEEK - TILE.pngTreaties Recognition Week takes place this year, from November 5 -11. This week was introduced by the province in 2016 to honor the importance of treaties and to help us to learn more about treaty rights, treaty relationships and their relevance today. 

During Treaties Recognition Week, students across the ALCSB will have the opportunity to participate in; an Indigenous Speaker’s Series, embark on projects, inquiries and classroom discussions around Indigenous influencers and change makers, explore maps that show Indigenous territories and treaties, and learn about treaty rights and our relationships with treaty partners. 
Treaty education is one of the four quadrants of the best practice that guides Indigenous Education in our Board. Treaty education is foundational to the work of our Indigenous Education Team, in helping all members of our Catholic School Communities in understanding True History. 
Treaties Recognition Week Speaker Series:  
Audience: Students in grades Kindergarten to Grade 5  
Speakers: Isaac Murdoch and Shannon Paul from Nimkii Aazhibikoong, along with their dolls Nenaboozhoo and Nokomis. 
Topic: “Let’s Talk About Treaties”, will discuss the importance of promises and how this relates to treaties. A promise is very important and comes from your heart. 
Audience: Students in grades 6 -12 
Date: Tues., Nov 10. (11:00 am - 12:00 pm) 
Speaker: Isaac Murdoch from Serpent River First Nation 
Topics: “Ancient Treaties and our Natural Laws”, Issac will share how pre-colonial treaties involved not only humans, but also included the animal world, the sky world and so much more. In this teaching, we will further understand the concept of sacred agreements and natural laws. Followed by a Q & A period. 
Audience: Students in in grades 9 - 12  
Date: Nov. 7 (1:00 pm – 2:00 pm) 
Speaker: Kanahus Manuel, Secwepemc Territory 
Topic: Freedom on the Land. Kanahus will talk about her struggles to exist as a free Indigenous person on her homelands as well as the impacts of man camps and pipeline intrusions on her territory. This session will be moderated by Isaac Murdoch (Serpent River First Nation) and together they will highlight the connections between colonialism and climate change, resource extraction and violence against Indigenous peoples, and how students can play an important role in solidarity and action movements. Followed by a Q & A period.