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Test St., Test Town, ON, T3S 7T7| Office: 222-222-2222| |Career Opportunities Staff Links


We are a Catholic School system, called to work

in partnership with home, parish and community,

on our journey to understand and live

the way of Jesus Christ.

We are committed to excellence in Catholic education

and to lifelong learning, so that those with whom we journey

may become caring and contributing citizens

in a world of constant challenge.


Facts and Figures of ALCDSB


Number of Students: 

Approximately 12,000


Schools and Facilities:

32 elementary schools

5 secondary schools

Adult learning centre with satellite sites

2 outdoor education centres



Our district covers a wide geographical area of more than 16,000 square kilometres from Whitney in the north to Picton in the south to Kingston in the east to Trenton in the west.


Employees:  Approximately 1,900

Annual Expenditures:  $144 million