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News Item

Call for committee members - Equity Advisory Committee

April 25, 2024

Dear families, staff, and community partners,

The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board is committed to ensuring that everyone in our communities feel welcome, safe, and celebrated.

 The ALCDSB is seeking members to join an Equity Advisory Committee (EAC) to help guide the development of ongoing and future equity goals and strengthen a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion within our faith-filled learning communities.

If you are someone who has lived experience as a member of a priority or equity seeking population and are connected to the ALCDSB in any capacity, we invite you to join the EAC committee to provide feedback on current directions and help us develop next steps in this work.

Priority or equity seeking populations may include but are not limited to, those with lived experience being racialized, 2SLGBTQQAI+, those living with mental health and addictions, trauma, or poverty.

The time commitment will be six meetings a year, dates to be determined. Transportation and childcare will be supported as needed for participation.

If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Melissa at

We look forward to learning with families, staff and community partners on this ongoing journey where each member is loved, inspired, and successful.


Darcey French

Superintendent of Education 
