Accessibility​ » Accessibility​


The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board believes in the strength that diversity contributes to our communities. We are committed to creating a universally designed, inclusive environment in which systemic barriers (i.e. physical, communication and attitudinal), are reduced or eliminated, through reasonable efforts so that there is equitable access and full participation for all.
It is the policy of the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board to provide an environment in all of its facilities that fosters independence, dignity and respect. The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board is committed to providing services that are free of barriers and biases to our students, parents/guardians, the public and our staff. We strive to ensure that the principle of equity of opportunity is reflected and valued in our learning and working environments.
As a faith community, we are committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the same opportunity of access to our services in a similar way as these services are available to all others we serve. We are committed to meeting, in a timely manner, the accessibility needs of people with disabilities in the provision of services including those related to information and communication, employment, and student transportation. 

The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is guided by the Board's Accessibility Standards Policy A-2022-01-3​ and is developed in accordance with the Integration Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). It incorporates the intentions of the Board to meet its obligations under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001. The Plan describes the measures that the Board will take over the five-year period from 2017-2022 to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities who work, learn and participate in the Board community and environment including students, staff, parents and guardians, volunteers and visitors to the Board and its schools. 
The AODA provides an enhanced emphasis on required actions to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. The AODA includes regulations with respect to:
  • Customer Services
  • Transportation
  • Information and Communications
  • Employment
  • Built Environment


Accessibility Standard for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07

Our commitment to accessibility is ongoing

  • The Accessibility Advisory Committee meets at least three times a year to review the plan.
  • We consult with people with disabilities to develop and review the plan.
  • We ensure school board policies and procedures are consistent with the principles of accessibility.
  • We improve access to facilities, policies, programs, practices and services for students, staff, parents, guardians, volunteers and members of the community

Service Disruption Notices

​The Board Office and all schools are equipped with services to enhance accessibility; however, sometimes these services malfunction or need repair. ALCDSB is committed to communicating these malfunctions and will post a disruption of service notice at the door of the building as well as on the school and board websites. A banner at the top of the homepage will appear during this disruption.  This will keep everyone fully informed until service can be restored. 

Accessible Formats: Do You Need an Alternative Format?

The Board is committed to providing and/or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports for person with disabilities on request. If you require an accessible format, please complete the information form attached to this page.

Your Feedback is Welcome

The Board is committed to ensuring that our services meet the highest standards of accessibility for people with disabilities who use the facilities and services of the Board. Comments on our services regarding how well those expectations are met are welcome and appreciated.

If you have a comment or feedback about accessibility at a school, please contact the school office or principal.
If you have a comment or feedback about accessibility in general about the Board, please send them electronically via email to [email protected] or by calling 613-354-2255.