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News Item

Elementary Remote Learning Survey

March 04, 2021


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s);

 On February 11th Ontario Education Minister of Education Stephen Lecce issued a statement that March break would be postponed until April 12-16, 2021. This decision was made in conjunction with Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health and public health officials' advice, including consultations with many local Medical Officers of Health.

 As you may be aware, March 22nd was originally scheduled as an opportunity for families within the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board to switch between the two modes of learning that include in-school instruction and remote education. As a result of the government's decision to postpone the March break, we have decided to move our next and final transition date until Tuesday, April 6th, 2021.

 Should you wish to move your child(ren) out of remote learning back to in-school instruction, or from in-school instruction to remote learning we would ask that you compete the survey via the link below starting on March 3rd.


Survey Link:


For those families choosing to move to remote learning, we would ask that you review the expectations for families and students. There are specific minutes required for students participating in remote education that are set by the ministry. Like our brick-and-mortar schools, attendance in remote learning is taken twice a day. Further details about requirements for remote learning can be found on the survey webpage. 

 Remember that your child's remote learning teacher is not the same as their in-person teacher at school. If children move between the two modes of learning, the content and timing of various subjects' material may be different so there may be gaps and/or overlap in the material being covered.

To view a sample timetable for Remote Learning, please click here:

 The survey will be open from March 3rd until midnight on March 15th. When the survey closes, all elementary school administrators will be provided with their school's survey results to prepare for the changes that will impact our in-school and remote learning classrooms.

If you have any further questions, please call the Elementary Remote Learning School at 613-544-4370 and ask to speak to Dan Finn – Principal, or Casey Wells – Vice Principal.


Yours in Catholic Education,


 David DeSantis

Director of Education