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News Item

Inclement Weather Days

November 22, 2020


November 24, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Following our message to you this past Sunday (November 22, 2020) regarding our inclement weather day process this year, we would like to provide further clarification on some key points:

  • ALCDSB is keeping our schools open during inclement weather days when buses are cancelled.

This is because we recognize that not all families have the option to stay home with their children.

    • We remain open for families who need to drop their children off. We remind parents/guardians these students must also be picked up at dismissal time.


    • In rare circumstances, I may close a school for the day. This will be communicated early in the AM with bus cancellations via Board website, school websites, SchoolMessenger, etc.
  • What does sharing a space mean during an inclement weather day?

There may occasionally be inclement weather days when – due to the inability of some staff to safely travel to school – some classes will share a larger space (such as a gym or learning commons) so those students can be properly supervised while attending school that day.

Please note this will only be permitted when:

  1. The safe supervision of students at a particular school on an inclement weather day requires it, and
  2. There is a space of sufficient size (such as a gym or learning commons) to accommodate students while maintaining physical distancing and masking requirements enacted by public health.


​As always, we continue to work in collaboration with our local public health units. ALCDSB did consult with our public health partners on best practices to address this unique scenario.

To reiterate, space sharing will not occur for every snow day, or be required at every school.

  • All students will have access to remote learning on inclement weather days.
    • On inclement weather days all students will have the option to sign in to D2L, our online learning platform and continue asynchronous learning (provided assignments, tasks) for the day if not attending school in person. 

Our Board's priority is the health and safety of our students and school communities, and we will continue to keep you updated so you are able to make an informed decision on what is best for your family in the event of an inclement weather day.

Thank you for your ongoing resilience and patience as we move forward together during this challenging time.



David DeSantis

Director of Education ​

November 22, 2020

Dear parents/guardians,

I am writing to you with important information about how our board will be handling inclement weather days or “snow days" this year.

This information is important for all families.

TriBoard Student Transportation Services operates all buses for our Board, as well as the Limestone District School Board and the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board. Following discussions with TriBoard, and our two co-terminus school boards, we want to update you with important information on how we will proceed on inclement weather days this year.

  • When buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, our schools will remain open and students are able to be dropped off. We remind parents/guardians that any students dropped off must be picked up at dismissal time.
    • In rare circumstances, I may have to make the decision to close a school, dependent on the severity of inclement weather. Please know this is never an easy decision and our primary concern is always the safety of our students.

  • Due to reduced attendance on inclement weather days, classrooms are often combined. While we remain committed to following public health guidelines, your child's teacher or physical classroom may not be the same as regular days.
    • Please note that the number of student to educator ratio will not change.
    • We recognize that each of our school communities is unique, and scenarios will vary dependent on individual schools.

  • On inclement weather days students will have the option to sign in to D2L, our online learning platform and continue asynchronous learning (provided assignments, tasks) for the day if not attending school in person. 

  • Bus cancellations are shared in the morning through TriBoard Transportation. They share this information through their Facebook page, Twitter page, website and cell phone app. ALCDSB will also share this information on our Board Facebook page, Twitter page, Board website and all school websites.

  • Any additional information that you need to be aware of (i.e a school closure) will be posted on the Board website, all school websites, and through SchoolMessenger. Please contact your school secretary if you are not already receiving important notifications through SchoolMessenger.


Our board is sharing this information so you are able to make the best decision for your family in the event of an inclement weather day. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We continue to work together as a Catholic school community, and I am proud of how we have overcome so much and continue to thrive.

David DeSantis
Director of Education