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News Item

Elementary Summer Programming (Grades 1-8)

June 09, 2020
summer school image

Elementary Summer Programming (Grade 1 -8)

Funding for the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board Elementary Summer Learning Program (SLP) has been approved for Summer 2020.  The Summer Learning Program aims to provide opportunities for students to minimize learning loss, and for those who may face social and economic challenges that affect their learning.  Another focus of this year's SLP is to bridge gaps in learning created by the current health crisis.  


Program Dates

July 6th – July 24th

Virtually between 9:00 a.m., – 12:00 p.m.


Tentative Daily Schedule 

9:00 – 9:30:          Synchronized Large Group Instruction 

9:30 – 9:45:          Body Break 

9:45 – 10:45:        Small Group Instruction/Students complete daily tasks 

10:45 –11:30:       Office Hours/Individualized Support 

11:30 – 12:00:      Assessment and Planning  


Program Description

The program will take place virtually and feature synchronized learning or teaching. There is no onsite programming available for 2020.  The SLP will be using Brightspace/D2L ePortfolio and Virtual Classroom to deliver content. SLP will focus on both literacy and numeracy skills and will be delivered virtually between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Monday to Friday from July 6 – July 24. The program has been expanded and will be available to all students currently in Grade 1 through 8 who have been actively engaging in Emergency Remote Learning. 


For our programs to have the most significant impact on our students, we would ask that parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to have their child attend for the duration of the program.  If, for any reason parent(s)/guardian(s) decide to withdraw their child from a program, they are asked to inform their child's summer program teacher so that spot can be designated to another child.


Students engaged in the program should have access to technology with a video camera such as an iPad, laptop or desktop computer with access to a reliable internet connection that will support live interaction.


If you do not have a reliable device, please contact one of the summer school administrators, and we'll look at providing a device for your child for use throughout the program.  Contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.


Our program will strive to provide high-quality, engaging literacy and numeracy instruction as well as a healthy living component to support both the Board and Ministry's initiative in building students' knowledge and skills in mathematics.  We'll focus our teacher's attention on delivering programming that builds on fundamental mathematics concepts and skills, specifically, expectations in the Number Sense and Numeration strand and expectations related to number properties in the Patterning and Algebra strand.  Students will be exposed to and will use more sophisticated strategies beginning with manipulatives, representations and models.  In Language, our program will build independence in reading and writing through the Gradual Release of Responsibility (Modelled, Shared, Guided and Independent).  Teachers will integrate the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Framework: Multiple Means of Engagement, Representation, and Action and Expression in all learning.

​Class Sizes

Classes will be capped at 1 teacher per 15 students.  There will be two classes of each Grade 1 through 8.


Expectations for Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students

To accommodate the needs of our learners, there is an expectation that students will need a parent/guardian or older sibling to assist them throughout the program for tasks that might including logging them into the learning platform each morning, monitoring the daily schedule to ensure students return to the virtual classroom after breaks and independent activities, posting materials and ensuring that they are engaging properly with educators and other students.


Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Student Training Sessions

Our Summer Learning Program will be delivered through the Brightspace's Learning Management System and utilize Virtual classroom and ePortfolio.  Brightspace's Virtual classroom will allow us to host group instructional times to facilitate real-time conversations and synchronized teaching between teachers, students and parents.  Staff will be able to hold live chats, share their desktops as well as interact while role-playing activities and use the whiteboard feature to help build understanding.


To ensure that learning opportunities are maximized parents, guardians and students and know how to engage with the learning tools outlined above effectively, you'll be asked to participate in a one-hour orientation session on either June 24th at 1:00 p.m., June 25th at 7:00 p.m. or June 26th at 3:00 p.m. Parents, guardians and students are asked to attend one or both sessions.  Sessions will also be recorded so they can be played back at a later date for reference.

Prior to June 22nd you'll receive an email regarding the information above with details outlining how to participate in these sessions. 


Program Fee

There is no cost for our Summer Learning Program.


Teacher Communication

We encourage our parent(s), guardian(s) and students to have open and robust dialogue throughout the program to meet students' needs.  Your child's teacher will contact families before our begins on July 4.


There will be opportunities for parents and guardians to speak with the educators each day during the last half hour of the program as they'll work to provide strategies that can be used at home to further support reinforcement of concepts taught.  Upon the conclusion of the program, educators will provide a brief synopsis of the program and some individualized comments for students who were engaged in the program. Educators will provide strategies that can be used to support students.


Registration Information

Families will be referred to the program by principals, vice-principals, classroom teachers and Special Education Resource teachers.  Families will be identified as those who have been actively engaged in the Emergency Remote Learning and will benefit from additional literacy and numeracy support.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) who register their child(ren) without their school's staff consent will have their registration removed from the site.  All registrations need to be pre-approved by school staff and will be monitored closely. 

School teams will direct families to the board website Elementary Summer Learning Program link are asked to identify students and encourage families to complete the online registration form available  at  ALCDSB SLP 2020

​Registration is on a first come first-served basis.  Programs are subject to enrollment and may not be offered if insufficient numbers are available to make the program viable.


There are currently 30 spots per grade or two classes of each grade, Grades 1 through 8. Classes will be removed from the form once they have reached their capacity.  

Upon submitting this registration, you'll receive an email confirming your child's registration.

Summer Learning Program Administrators Contact Information

Dan Finn- Principal Cell: 613-532-3088 email:

Casey Wells- Vice Principal Cell: 613-242-1685 email: