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News Item

Strive for 5 - Attendance Campaign

October 31, 2019



[Strive for Five poster created by Abby Daicar, Grade 12 Communications Technology Student at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School]

The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board continues to focus on Every School Day Counts in supporting staff and families with strategies to promote good attendance as a priority in our faith filled communities of belonging where all are welcome. This 2019-20 school year we are embarking on the STRIVE FOR 5 Campaign.

This campaign encourages students to attend school 5 days a week and to miss no more than 5 days a school year. We aim to engage with parents, community organizations and parishes to spread the message.

Why Does Attendance Matter?


1 or 2 days a week doesn't seem like much but…

If your child misses…That Equals…Which Is…And over 13 years of schooling that is…
1 day every 2 weeks20 days per year4 weeks per yearNearly 1.5 years
1 day per week40 days per year8 weeks per yearOver 2.5 years of school
2 days per week80 days per year16 weeks per yearOver 5 years
3 days per week120 days per year24 weeks per yearNearly 8 years


How about 10 minutes late per day? Surely that won't affect my child?

They only miss..That equals..Which is..And over 13 years of schooling that is..
10 minutes per day50 minutes per weekNearly 1.5 weeks per yearNearly ½ a year
20 minutes per day1hr 40 minutes per weekOver 2.5 weeks per yearNearly 1 year
30 minutes per dayHalf a day per week4 weeks per yearNearly 1.5 years
1 hour per day1 day per week8 weeks per year Over 2.5 years