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KFL&A: Preparing for Kindergarten

August 29, 2018


For most children, starting Kindergarten is exciting and rewarding. But it also can be a time of anxiety and stress about the unknown. It is normal for your child to have mixed feelings. He may feel excited about his new school, new backpack and new friends. But he may also have some worries about how he will manage. 

Before the first day: 

• Talk to her about her feelings about starting school. Reassure her that her feelings are normal. Share some of your memories of starting school to show her you understand. 

• Keep a positive attitude about starting school. Children often behave according to our expectations. Children who are enthusiastic about learning generally do well in Kindergarten. 

• Practice walking to school or to the bus stop in the weeks before the first day of school, so it will be a familiar routine. 

• Start the bedtime and wake-up schedule you will use during the school year. 

• Let your child pick out his clothes for the first day. 

• Talk about food preferences for nutritious snacks and lunch items. Practice opening lunch containers. 

• Ask the educator for a list of school items your child will need (usually a backpack, shoes with Velcro fasteners, and a lunch container). Label everything! 

The morning of the first day: 

• Get up early enough to eat a calm, unhurried breakfast. 

• Keep the morning routine as normal as possible. 

• When it’s time to say goodbye, make it quick, light, and reassuring. Try not to communicate any feelings of anxiety. 

After school: 

• Now is the time to start time-saving routines. For example, designate a special spot where she keeps her backpack, and school notes. 

• Spend time after school talking about his day. Some children will offer a detailed description, others may require prompts, such as “What was your favourite activity today?” or “What did you do at recess?” 

• Plan a special dinner to celebrate.
