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100 Tracey St., Belleville, ON, K8P 2R8| Office: 613-962-7541| |Career Opportunities Staff Links
News Item


October 04, 2018


There are no parking meters on City streets except in the downtown area.  On-street parking is available in residential areas subject to restrictions regulated by By-law.  Please be aware of and read on-street parking signs carefully to determine if and when parking is permitted as the streets are signed accordingly (Specifically the No Stopping Sign).

We would like to thank our parents and caregivers who walk or park in the legally designated areas by the school and cross safely with the city crossing guards.

If you must park, please park in the legally designated areas as identified by the street parking signs. 

The main driveway of the school must be kept clear at all times for the number of busses dropping off and picking up our students. DO NOT stop, drop off or park in the main driveway during 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. or 3:10 – 3:45 p.m. This is for busses only. 

Most important, parents should be patient, respectful, and courteous to other drivers while they pick their students up from school. Anger and frustration can lead to careless, unsafe behavior, and being a positive role model can help students learn safe procedures.

Thank you for helping us all to keep our staff, students and parents safe. 

Parking Sign